Stat3 and NFκB glial expression after excitotoxic damage to the postnatal brain

L Acarin, B González, B Castellano - Neuroreport, 1998 -
THE nuclear factor-kappa B (NFkB) and the signal transducer activator of transcription 3
(STAT3), are putative transcription factors activated by growth factors and cytokines, and
involved in glial gene expression changes after neuronal injury. Immunocyto-chemical
analysis of NFκB and STAT3 from 2 h to 14 days after excitotoxic damage to the postnatal rat
brain showed STAT3-and NFkB-positive glial cells at 2 h post-lesion, increasing in number
to reach a maximum at day 1. Immunoreactivity then decreased but the glial scar remained …