A family of phospholipid autacoids: occurrence, metabolism and bioactions

A Tokumura - Progress in lipid research, 1995 - Elsevier
Abbreviations 151 I. Historical background of biologically active phospholipids 152 II. PAF
homologues and analogues! 53 A. r) istribntion in the animal kingdom 153 B. Formation of
PAF-like lipids during lipid peroxidation 156 C. PAF/PAF-Iike lipids involved in leukocyte-
vascular endothelial cell interaction 159 D. Oxidized LDL and PAF-iike lipids 160 E.
Biological activity of PAF-like lipids 160 F. Enzymatic degradation of oxidized phospholipids
161 G. LPCs on oxidized LDL as regulators of cell function 163 III. LPA and related …